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May the days of Easter remind you of that deepest truth that you are loved and called to love.

Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, Jerusalem, April 7th, 2021 I Easter 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers, friends of the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center,

Happy Easter greetings from Jerusalem! You all have been very much in my heart and prayers during Holy Week and now during Easter Week. This special moment in time reminds us of Christ’s sacrificial love that makes us whole and restores our dignity as sons and daughters. We enter deeply into His heart of love and our voices resound with the experience of His encounter, “the Lord, has truly Risen, let us be glad and rejoice in Him.”

In photo, view to ceiling of Holy Sepulcher from Edicule. Photo by: David Delgado

His love has renewed us and freed us

During these days, His love has renewed us and freed us from the bonds that have afflicted us. We are made free and enter into more deeply into the Mystery of love. Our natural eyes, become eyes of faith, so that what we see is not revealed by nature alone but the transforming love of a God who has restored his dwelling in us through the death and Resurrection of our Lord. As we lose ourselves in this Divine mystery, we no longer cling to our mortal ways and the senses that deceive us but abandon ourselves to His ways and His promises. We become lovesick with a God who is totally in love with us. “Oh Jesus, King of love, we trust in your loving mercy.”

Since the pandemic and social upheaval of many countries has laid bare our insecurities and fears, it is easy for us all to fall into discouragement and distrust. I hope you find strength in the Resurrected Lord and pray you encounter Him deeply these days. We can never forget that Jesus died so that we might live and that the experience of pain, suffering and sorrow are doors to “Resurrection” and renewal. More than ever, we place our hope in the encounter with the Risen Lord. Grounded in this reality, we affirm his loving plan over our lives and recommit to strengthening the personal relationships of those closest to us and those we are called to love and care for.

Never stop “thanking God” continually for His presence

Here in the Holy Land, we continue to be challenged by the pandemic and its consequences. The people of this land are resilient and despite the personal hardships never stop “thanking God” continually for His presence among us. Thank you for your prayers and support and be assured that you have intercessors who are praying for you, your families and your intentions daily in front of the Eucharistic Lord in our chapel of the Notre Dame Center. On Easter Sunday morning I had the grace to concelebrate in the Holy Sepulchre at the place where Jesus rose from the dead. I prayed for all of you and your intentions.

May the Lord’s joy become yours and may the days of Easter remind you of that deepest truth that you are loved and called to love. May the Mother of our Lord and our Mother wrap you in her mantle and remind you of all that is true, good, beautiful and unifying in your life.

I look forward to greeting you soon when you can come and visit us here in Jerusalem. I send you my cordial regards and priestly blessing.

Sincerely in the Risen Lord,

Father David Steffy, L.C.

Chargé of the Holy See

Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center


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