August 1st, 2023 - Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center
Notre Dame Center of Jerusalem was pleased to host a group of young men and women who are participating in the International Formators’ Course put on by the Regnum Christi movement.
These young people spent their fist few weeks of the course in Rome, Italy and were able to experience the international spirit and beauty of the Catholic Church. They received talks and were guided in activities that aided in their apostolic, intellectual, and spiritual formation.
After their stay in Rome, they traveled to the Holy Land to visit the sites that are most holy to the three monotheistic religions. The young men were accompanied by priests and seminarians of the Legionaries of Christ and the young women by consecrated members of Regnum Christi who led them in prayer and gave them tours which followed along the footsteps of the Lord.
It was a blessing for us to be able to host them in our newly renovated School Hostel here at Notre Dame which offers affordable prices to young people looking to spend some time in the Holy Land. The location of the hostel across from the New Gate of Old Jerusalem is ideal for young people looking to explore the Old City in their free time.
If you know any young men or women who are interested in the Regnum Christi International Formators’ Course please check out this link for more information:,%2C%20intellectual%2C%20and%20apostolic%20life.
Let us pray for these young people who are seeking to grow in their faith so that they can return to their schools and families with a deeper love and understanding of the Lord in their lives.